I have been sitting here for about 15 minutes staring at this blank screen. With such a heavy post yesterday, I wanted to lighten things up a bit. You know, a dose of comic relief. (That's a 9th grade Literary term!) But the more I try to come up with something light and funny to write about, I keep coming back to some situations I have heard about in the last few weeks. The situations range from very serious occurances like accidental death to minor issues like a a misunderstanding. Whatever the situation, the range of emotions runs high, tempers flare, feelings are hurt, words are said that cannot be taken back. And in the end, there are the infamous words that make me cringe EVERY TIME: I will never forgive you. Even now, just writing the words causes chills down my spine. "But you have no idea what he did to me!" No, I don't. "But that woman cost me money I can never recoup!" Okay. "They laid me off from work for no reason!" Yeah, that'...