One of my favorite things to do as a teacher is play games in the classroom. When I first started teaching, and while I was still very active and a whole lot smaller, it was nothing for me to participate in a game of football, basketball or volleyball with my kids. Now I like a more...controlled environment for my games. I learned about Trasketball from Jerome Ramsey's Pre-Algebra class. You ask a question, and if you get it right, you get to shoot the ball into the trashcan from a 1-point line, 2-point line, and a 3-point line, thus the name Trashketball. He also played a game called Bluff. Two teams compete QUIETLY against each other. One team is asked a question. If you think you know the answer, you QUIETLY stand up. Or....if you don't know the answer, you can stand up and Bluff the other team. However many teammates stand up is the number of points you are playing for. One person from the other team calls on one of the people standing to answer the ques...