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Showing posts from January 10, 2012

Fear of being "Caught in the Act"

     I must say that I could write a book of all the stupid things I have done in my lifetime and probably fill up the Library of Congress! No really.....I am notorious for doing the dumbest things at the most inopportune time.  This morning as I was driving to school, several of these faux pas (is there a plural of faux pas?) came rushing to my mind. Luckily I was by myself at the time this incident occurred, but the thought of being "Caught in the Act" brought feelings of despair and extreme embarrassment!  Oh well, here goes.....      Yesterday, I bought some of those flossing placker things that looks like a toothpick but have dental floss on them, too.  I actually spent several minutes at Rite Aid looking at the different brands and prices, trying to figure out what was the best ones for me. I chose one that was reasonably priced, had a rather good amount in the packet, and seemed a fair quality of placker-thingy. My purpose is to starting flossing my teeth after having