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Why? Where? When? What? Who?

     About five minutes ago, Tim Tebow and the Broncos charged their way into another win in the NFL Playoffs. Not only was it the first game with the new Overtime rules (which I am still trying to process), but it was another chance for the media to take a poke at Tebow's faith. Did you see the NFL commentators after the game?? Do you believe Tebow has what it takes to win another game next week? And their response?? Bowing their heads as if in prayer. Was this meant to put down Tebow...again....or are they beginning to eat their words...again?  For most of the season, Tim Tebow has been ridiculed, put down, questioned, and scoffed because of his faith on and off the football field.  So my question is...Why?
     Why so much coverage about Tebow's faith in Christ? Why not share some "love" with other players who share their beliefs? What about the Rastafarian's (those with the long dred locks)? Why not pick on them about their faith?
     Why not give some time to those guys who put their faith in themselves? Those that showboat at every touchdown by "baring their chest" or dancing or whatever other weird thing they do to spotlight themselves? 
     What about those guys that have tattoos on their arms that have a cross or scripture? Why not air those guys more? Why not ask them why the tattoos of Jesus?
     So why Tim and not any of these other guys? I believe Tim is targeted because he is the real deal and they know it. His faith is evident from the inside out and not the outside in.  Yes, in college he wore the eye thingies ( I have no idea what you call them) with scripture on them, and he would always point up to heaven to acknowledge the One who made that great play. And when interviewed, Who did he give the glory to? Jesus Christ.
     One of the biggest reasons Tebow has been targeted is that some believe there is a time and a place for sharing one's faith, and the football field in front of millions of people is neither the time nor the place. Are you kidding me? That is precisely the time and the place to share your faith! As a matter of fact, any chance we get to share our faith is the time and the place! As long as the message is given in love, why not in front of millions of people?
     So my next question is What is the message? What is Tim trying to convey when he raises his finger to the air or bows to pray or speaks praises to God? I believe Tebow's message is precisely what God wants the world to hear: That God is the giver of gifts and talents and is the only One worthy of the praise of any of it! Is Tim bowing his head to say Thanks for letting us make that touchdown when there was no possible way for us to win? I don't think so. I believe Tim is simply giving thanks to God for allowing him to have the ability to play a sport, make quick decisions, and use those talents for our enjoyment. And even when Tim messed up and the play did not go as planned, I believe he gives God the same thanks for helping him learn from his mistakes and move on. I see no difference in Tim praying this way than me praying to teach a good lesson to my 9th graders or thanking Him for making that hard lesson understandable for those young minds. Which brings me to my last question: Who?
     Who what? (No, what's on second! Who's on first!)  Who are we (any of us) to say why, where, when and what message we can deliver regarding our faith? Who am I to put down someone for sharing their faith? Granted, I have seen some that deliver the message in an odd way, but if that message is delivered in love, who am I to say anything negative about them? I believe that is God's job to judge, not me.
     But most importantly, Who is to deliver the message? Who are the ones to tell others about a God that loves them, cares for them, and has an amazing plan for each of their lives both here and in heaven? That, my friends, is US! Wherever we are, we are to be the salt and light for those in this world without Christ. WHY? Because we have been redeemed from a hell we deserve. WHERE? Anywhere God leads us to tell someone who needs Him. WHEN? Whenever He says Now! Tell them right now! And WHAT do we tell them? John 3:16: For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish (in Hell) but have everlasting life (in Heaven with God forever).
     By the way, I received a Twitter Tweet a few minutes ago about the number of throwing yards Tebow had tonight. It was 316! Coincidence? I don't think so!
    Oh, that I would have the faith and courage to share what God has done in MY life!



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