Ah, the New Year. My least favorite time of the year probably because it always meant back to school after a nice, long vacation. Staying up late...sleeping late...Christmas movies...eating way too much junk...spontaneous trips to anywhere...watching daytime TV (not very thrilled there)...but NOT ONE MINUTE of school work! So now I am a hypocrite. There, I said it. I am a HYPOCRITE! I told my kids, upon leaving for Christmas break, to study everyday because we have exams in two weeks. And yet, I did not set the example. There's nothing I can do about that now. I did plan my lessons for tomorrow, but that is about the extent of the school work. Besides, I have friends needing me to play WORDS WITH FRIENDS! I cannot disappoint my friends! (At this point, I am checking my Kindle Fire to see if it is my turn to play...then Facebook calls...and ANGRY BIRDS are chirping...) Okay God, here is mess #1. We need to work on this ADD-thing. It really gets in the way.....oh look, Daisy found t...
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