I wrote an entire blog, and it disappeared. It was good, too, or at least I thought so. I have no idea what button I accidentally hit, but whatever it was.....it made my blog zip to cyber space forever without even one view. So sorry, guys, for those of you waiting for the next word.....Today, the word is SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!!!! Now I know why I can't play the orange button on Guitar Hero....stupid pinky finger! Stupid mini keyboard on my netbook! Oh let's get real.....STUPID ME!!!
Ah, the New Year. My least favorite time of the year probably because it always meant back to school after a nice, long vacation. Staying up late...sleeping late...Christmas movies...eating way too much junk...spontaneous trips to anywhere...watching daytime TV (not very thrilled there)...but NOT ONE MINUTE of school work! So now I am a hypocrite. There, I said it. I am a HYPOCRITE! I told my kids, upon leaving for Christmas break, to study everyday because we have exams in two weeks. And yet, I did not set the example. There's nothing I can do about that now. I did plan my lessons for tomorrow, but that is about the extent of the school work. Besides, I have friends needing me to play WORDS WITH FRIENDS! I cannot disappoint my friends! (At this point, I am checking my Kindle Fire to see if it is my turn to play...then Facebook calls...and ANGRY BIRDS are chirping...) Okay God, here is mess #1. We need to work on this ADD-thing. It really gets in the way.....oh look, Daisy found t...
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