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You just thought you knew everything there is to know about me, huh? Let's see....I am a teacher....check....huge Tennessee fan...check....hate raisins...check....a Christian...check...loves music...check...former hitch wait...what? Ah, so you DON'T know everything about me! Okay, let's start with the latter...

10. I went to Europe the first time as a junior at Lenoir-Rhyne. I was with a family from LR, and then we also traveled with two guys from New York and a girl from Canada. Most of the group went to ski. Me...I tried skiing for 30 minutes and almost did not live to tell about it. So I went sightseeing, and how do you sight see in Europe? Hitch hike!! It was totally safe, and I was always with someone in the group, usually. And I decided it was best not to share this news with my parents until AFTER I returned from Europe!

9. I have a hard time telling my left from my right. I have to stop and think about it almost every time. Ask my husband and my chiropractor...they have had to be more specific on which way I should turn more times than I would like to admit!

8. I cannot stand to have anything greasy or sticky on my hands. Not just a lot sticky, but even the littlest sticky or gooey has to come off oh my hands immediately. If I use lotion, I usually end up wiping most of it off within a few minutes.

7. With that said, I cannot think of my hands being dirty. I wash my hands constantly throughout the day. Every time I open a door, I use my sleeve to open it. I ALWAYS wash my hands before I eat.

6. And with THAT said, do not handle my food. I mean, DO NOT handle my food. You can pass the plate or put it on a napkin, but do not handle my food with your hands. If a french fry falls from my plate, either you eat it or throw it away, but it will not go back on my plate. And don't even think of you tasting my food or drinking from my cup. At that point, it becomes yours and not mine!

5. I hate clothes, shoes, jewelry, and pocketbooks. Yes, I am really a female, and yes I have to wear clothes and shoes for everyone else's sanity. But these "things" mean nothing to me. I ceased carrying a pocketbook years ago because the darn thing will not stay on my shoulders, which I lack evidently. I only buy clothes and shoes when I have to, and jewelry just does not interest me. I wear my wedding ring and our 20th Anniversary ring, but that is usually it. As far as clothes go, when you are a "big mama," clothes don't look good on you anyway, so why bother?

4. Though I am a positive person by nature in almost everything, I am rarely positive about myself. This is probably common for most people, but I find fault in myself more than I find the positives. Again, this probably comes from my weight. I have a very poor self-image and am rarely satisfied with anything I do.

3. From mid-kindergarten to the end of my 2nd grade year, I stuttered terribly. You could not understand me much at all. I was a very nervous kid, even before then, and cried almost everyday at school until fourth grade...yes, 4th grade! That was the first year I did not cry. I still stutter some when I get excited or nervous, but the end of my 2nd grade year was the end of my stuttering, thanks for Martha Harvey, my speech teacher at Hildebran Elementary. To this day, I owe her a huge debt.

2. I cannot stand to have my feet covered up when I sleep. And don't even think about wearing socks to bed. My feet could be freezing cold, and I will not cover them up.

1. I long one day to be a motivational speaker and travel. I have many stories to tell, both funny and sad, but all that could motivate people to keep on keeping on. Maybe one day...

Well, there you have it. These top ten are really not in any particular order, but they are very real things about me. So today, I have been somewhat transparent for you...but I still have a hard time liking myself. God, I am still a work in progress. You have a LOT of work to do, Mister!!


  1. enjoyed learning a few more things about my DEAR SISTER..when u start ur motivational tour don't tell any stories about ya


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