Articles of Clothing: The Pandemic Mask Nobody likes wearing a mask. I mean, seriously, there is nothing fun or classy or fashionable about a mask, though as a society we have made mask-wearing into a form of a fashion statement, as weird and twisted as that may be. It may be because I am a menopausal 53-year-old, but three minutes into wearing my mask, my mouth is wet, my upper lip is wet, and my nose is itching like a chronic allergy attack. I pull the mask down for a few seconds, and then I feel guilty for not having it on, so back on it goes only to start the sequence of events all over again. It is a sick “Groundhog Day” deja vu. But when does the uncomfortableness of the mask outweigh my responsibility to my family and friends to keep them safe? It doesn’t. There is no amount of pity to outweigh the fact that wearing a mask is more for others than for me. Going from selfish to selfless is a sign of maturity, especially for a menopausal 53-year old. Saturday Sports and Sunda...
You just thought you knew everything there is to know about me, huh? Let's see....I am a teacher....check....huge Tennessee fan...check....hate raisins...check....a Christian...check...loves music...check...former hitch wait...what? Ah, so you DON'T know everything about me! Okay, let's start with the latter... 10. I went to Europe the first time as a junior at Lenoir-Rhyne. I was with a family from LR, and then we also traveled with two guys from New York and a girl from Canada. Most of the group went to ski. Me...I tried skiing for 30 minutes and almost did not live to tell about it. So I went sightseeing, and how do you sight see in Europe? Hitch hike!! It was totally safe, and I was always with someone in the group, usually. And I decided it was best not to share this news with my parents until AFTER I returned from Europe! 9. I have a hard time telling my left from my right. I have to stop and think about it almost every time. Ask my husband and ...